The Ultimate List of Spring Cleaning Tips


1) Clean Safely (1 of 21)

Clean Safely

1) Clean Safely (1 of 21)


Spring is a great time to hit the”Refresh” button. Start by getting all of your odds and ends taken care of, like cleaning up the house, your car, and your belongings. There’s some sort of a fulfillment in cleaning. You know that”ah” feeling you get after you have a clean house?

Well, what are you waiting for?

If you’ve got toddlers or pets tagging along as you do your spring cleaning, opt for nontoxic cleaning options. Here are a few ideas:

  • Clean your toilet bowl with Tang Drink Mix
  • Wipe down counters with vinegar
  • Disinfect your garbage disposal by grinding a lemon, salt, and a few ice cubes
  • Soften laundry with ¼ cup of white vinegar during the rinse cycle